How to fish for carp at night?

Do you want to fish at night? It is an authorized practice in France, only for carp fishing. However, if catching fish during the day requires certain skills. Night fishing also requires the mastery of some techniques. Here is how to fish for carp at night.

Getting organised

Even for daytime fishing, a carp angler knows how important organisation is. In addition, darkness can make the activity a little more complex as it is easier to lose your bearings. Therefore, it is important to put all the equipment in exactly the right place. This will allow you to have everything at hand when a fish has taken the bait. However, you should also avoid getting too much clutter around you. Too much clutter could hinder your movements, especially when casting.

The different equipment needed for carp fishing

In addition to fishing equipment such as rods, carp reels and accessories, night fishing for carp also requires some additional tools. You will need a headlamp for lighting. And it is advisable to choose a quality product. You should also remember to charge it properly or to buy spare batteries. You can also invest in a magnetic lamp to optimise lighting. And to ensure greater brightness, you can also buy a spotlight. A night carp angler has to think of everything! So, don’t forget extra clothing or a change of clothes in case you get wet.

Getting down to the actual fishing

The last step is the action, i.e. the carp fishing. Once you have prepared everything well, the rest can be done as if you were fishing in the daytime. It should be noted that even in the dark, you can also change your cue by casting your line again. For a successful night launch, you should consider the distance. To achieve this, you can use the distance sticks. You should also consider the axis. You can use a tree, a bell tower, or something else as a reference point. Alternatively, consider placing a lamp on the opposite bank. All you have to do is aim for the light to ensure a good launch. Furthermore, we advise you to favour the active fishing technique even if it is night fishing.

How to bait carp fishing

Even at night, a carp angler knows that baiting is of paramount importance. To fish for carp at night, it is essential to vary the rate of baiting. You can bait heavily in the evening by putting a large amount of bait in the evening. However, for very active fish, you can make recalls by regularly putting down baits of the same quantity. But as you have seen, the real strength of night fishing is organisation. If you are well organised, you will have a much better chance of catching a good bite of carp. So don’t neglect the preparation phase before you start fishing.

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