The opening of the pike fishing season

Carnivorous fish such as pike can be caught in many types of water. However, you cannot fish for pike at any time of the year. To do this, it is best to know the pike fishing calendar. This calendar is likely to change a little depending on the region.

Pike fishing: a very well-defined activity

As with almost all fish, pike fishing is not done at any time. Indeed, each year, a calendar is issued to determine the different opening times for pike in various regions of France. Generally speaking, the opening of the pike season begins towards the end of April and ends towards the end of January of the following year.

This makes it easier to remember when pike fishing is prohibited. In most of France, pike should not be fished from the beginning of February until the end of April. The fact is that if the pike opening is not towards the end of April, then it starts on the first of May. So you have about 9 months to fish for pike.

You should know that the day of a pike fishing is also regulated. For example, it is forbidden to fish before 30 minutes before sunrise. After 30 minutes after sunset, it is also forbidden to fish for pike. You should also be aware that the sizes of pike you can take home are well defined.

Prefectural decrees can regulate this. In addition, you may notice that the number of carnivores, including pike, that you can fish for is limited. For 60 cm pike, you can only fish for a maximum of 2. For 50 cm pike, you are allowed to catch a maximum of 3 fish.

Where to fish for pike?

Pike fishing can be practised almost everywhere in France. The fact is that pike can be found in rivers, streams and lakes. Pike can be found in waters where other carnivores such as black bass, pike-perch or catfish live together. To fish only for pike, you need to be well equipped.

The best region for pike fishing is the Vendée. Located in the west of France, this region is full of rivers and streams that are more or less calm. These are the favourite places for pike. Otherwise, you can also count on the generous hydrography of this region in terms of lakes. You have more than a thousand hectares of lake area. You should know that the dams are also the favourite places for pike. You can find them in large numbers. What’s more, you can choose to fish for pike from a boat or from the water’s edge.

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